What should I focus on today?
In addition to executing on the eCommerce holidays and other special events tracked in the Art Marketing Calendar, we strongly recommend you follow our Weekly Marketing Playbook (as outlined below).
This 3-step strategy is designed to ensure you are consistently publishing and sharing romance content – a key contributor to how effective you will be at growing your audience and building personal connections with them, which is critical in order to sell your art.
Write a romantic blog post
Share your blog post via email
Share your blog post on social media
Want some inspiration? View our full archive of artists and photographers who blog.
Creative examples of how to promote your art on Instagram:
Here is a great example of how you could relate your art to National Donut Day. Making a timelapse video of you drawing like this is a creative way to engage your audience when your art doesn't directly relate to a holiday.
National Moon Day is an easy hashtag holiday to participate in if you're a photographer. Even if you're an artist, you can draw or paint a picture of the moon. Post a picture of it or even a timelapse GIF!
This artist painted a portrait of herself for National Selfie Day. While not every hashtag holiday will work for you, by getting creative, you can use these trending hashtags to help grow your audience and brand.
The Art Marketing Calendar™ and the intellectual property herein are the sole property of Art Storefronts and may not be disseminated.