Build your audience. Sell your art.
Become an Instagram Ninja.
Follow @art_storefronts on Instagram. We practice what we preach – the techniques we advocate you use are the very same ones we are using everyday to grow our own following.
How do I figure out what to post in Instagram?
Ready for more? We go in-depth on "riding the hashtag" in this podcast episode.
Go ride some hashtags, come up with some creative ideas, and start posting.
Software and phone applications to use with Instagram.
Being able to manage some aspects of Instagram usage from a computer can be invaluable to execution speed.
Start punching above your weight with these little-known pro-tips.
We will continue to grow the hacks section. Get better at marketing on Instagram one small win at a time.
How to effectively use one of Instagram's most important features.
Our top 10 reasons artists need to be posting Instagram Stories.
Don't get overwhelmed. Learning to be a good storyteller on Instagram is a marathon and not a sprint.
Here are a few examples of effective Stories for artists.
Ask Questions & Interact
Invite your audience to participate in your work with this clever use of Stories. Note that @packtography is also taking advantage of Instagram Live to livestream a photo-editing session using a piece chosen by his audience. What a powerful way to connect with your fans.
Highlight Shoot Location
Why not take your followers with you to your shoot locations? In this example, @kpunkka has some stunning views to share, but your fans will be interested in wherever you are. Next time you're on set, snap a few quick shots for your Story.
Show Behind The Scenes
@eric_treece shows a great example of this. Use this method to preview your new content or to offer professional shooting/painting tips to your followers. This is a great way to fascinate your followers by giving them an exclusive tour of your world.
Want more inspiration? View our full archive of Instagram Stories in the Sandbox.
Content curators are accounts on Instagram that aggregate the best of the best of a particular niche. They typically have tons of followers, and if you can get them to share your work it can explode your follower count.
Here are a few examples of content curators on Instagram. Check out their profiles, the amount of followers they have, what type of content they share, and what level of engagement (likes and comments) their posts get.
Start identifying and following all of the content creators in your particular niche.
After you've followed a few content curators, you're probably wondering how to get them to actually share your work. The answer is the Direct Message.
For our step-by-step technique for reaching content curators, listen to this podcast episode.
Give this technique a shot – find curators you like, research 'em, and start sending DM's.
Still have an unanswered Instagram question? Drop it in the question box below and we'll address it in an upcoming Office Hours session.