Welcome to Office Hours where today we are going to jump into the Intro to Romance Marketing on Social Platforms. And why are we doing that, why are we going there next, why is that the next focus? Because Rebecca asked the question. No, in all seriousness, it's a constant battle for us, we want to encourage you guys to continue to ask questions, any marketing questions that you may have. So in this case Rebecca asked one about how to romance market on Facebook and Instagram, what that looks like, what's the difference between that and email? So we wanted to address that, we wanted to cover it in a webinar.
So Rebecca, we're gonna get into your question in detail, but I just wanted to say, that's what happens. You ask questions around here and you might even just get an entire webinar dedicated to it. So our usual outline, we don't really like outlines, but I find that it helps create these things, the structure, announcements, romance the background, romancing the socials, and then we'll finish up with Q&A. Romancing the socials, what movie title did I steal that from, somebody put it in the question box. Alright, so let's get into the announcements, what's going up and what's going down?
First, so you know, Facebook ads, constant topic, we've been talking about getting into it, now we finally are. So we've started a miniseries on Facebook ads on the Art Marketing Podcast. I found the podcast was just a really quick and easy way for me to be able to cover the topics in depth and kind of give you the background, which I think is critical, I'm always harping on the background, but you gotta know why, why to do these things before you jump in there. So really encourage you to listen to those if you haven't already, at a point, as soon as we get through some of the background foundational material that I think is necessary to understanding how to not get smoked on Facebook.
We'll come back in here in a webinar and we'll do one internally here on a webinar. But you can see it, if you go to the podcast site, we've got number three and number two. Why most artists fail at Facebook ads? Not all traffic is created equal, I highly recommend you listen to those two, it will give you what I believe to be a fantastic foundation to understand those Facebook ads and then just in terms of the podcast we've kind of been soft-launching that. I mean I know there's some new people on the webinar, you probably maybe are not even aware that we've launched this thing, We always launch really really quickly, try to get the learning really really quickly, don't make a big fanfare or fuss about it, but that's gonna change, we're gonna start hitting it really really hard.
I actually just recorded an episode with an amazing artist that's on the platform, maybe you guys have heard of him, Bill Stidham. He's all over our testimonials because he's just killing it and just had a killer podcast interview with him. I hope that one will work because he lives down in Mexico and there was audio issues but it was awesome. So really encourage you guys to subscribe. I'm really easy to subscribe to it, boom, come here, hit the subscribe button. You can subscribe via iTunes because most people are on iPhones, via email, via RSS, it's also on Stitcher and love for you to subscribe and start listening to 'em. I think there's really gonna be valuable intel in there that'll help you guys grow your art businesses, that's why we're doing it and we're hitting it pretty hard.
Oh, yeah, will work for reviews, if any of you have listened to it, there's a leave a review button here, you click this thing, it'll take you right to iTunes, leave us a review, a five-star review if you're getting value out of it, I'll love you if you do. They really help, they really help the thing get discovered, so be thrilled if you would consider doing that. Webinar replays, constant question, you know, I probably get two or three emails about this a week. Hey, I missed it, I can't make it, how do I see 'em, what's that whole protocol look like, and I've got my link down here so let's click on it. So we've got this site, it's actually officehours.artstorefronts.com, if you can remember it and we're gonna throw and continue to throw all the replays right on here after we're done, you know, there's the five.
We'll iterate on this site a little bit and make it a little bit better, but as soon as we get it edited which is being it's on Friday and our editor doesn't usually work weekends, it's normally like a Tuesday or Wednesday thing. But you can come on here, the replays will be on here. You've got your video table of contents that you can jump around to various different parts of the video, any resources that we mention will be in there, and then I think we're actually going to start putting transcribes in here too. I don't think we've done that yet. One note when you're watching them is when you go to play the videos, make sure to go full screen on 'em, because I know sometimes the stuff is pretty detailed and it's hard to see without going fullscreen.
So that's really easy to do, quick trick of the trade there and then boom. If you're watching a webinar and oh my gosh, you have an idea, you have a question, boom, hit that thing right there, first name, email, website, question, shoot me the question. Shoot me the question, shoot me ahead of time. It doesn't matter when it is, it could be about anything. We wanna answer it and I do think if you give us time, myself and the marketing minions will really pound the pavement and try to get you to the best answer that we can on it. So questions, we want 'em, send 'em to us, anything that you can think of, boom, they're there.
Those forms'll be really easy and like I said I'm gonna figure out to get a way to get that Office Hours website somehow. A link to it or in the ASF dash, so it's easy to get there and questions. So the new protocol on questions that we're gonna do, too, you can ask your question and I really wanna encourage the question. You can ask your question and even if you can't attend the webinar, as long as you give me your email address when you ask the question, I think it's by default, where did that site go? Did I close it, sorry? Ask your question, boom. You're gonna put in your email address, as soon as the webinar is done, I'll email you and say hey, we answered your question. And then all you gotta do is come back here, even if you're short on time and with this cool video table of contents, boom, you click that right there.
We'll go right to your question, and Taylor, on a side note, we should start putting in the person's name that asked the question. So they know that they can just dive right to it, jump right into it, but yeah, you click, you click there, you'll be able to go right to your question you'll get it answered, so excited about that. Romance Social Background. Let's get into it and why is there a broken record here.
Patrick, I thought we were talking about romance, and yes, I said broken record. That image works on two levels. One, I'm gonna be a broken record on what this romance concept is and two I don't want you guys to have a broken heart, because so many artists fail at this, it's crazy, too many artists are doing this wrong. Even some that are on the Art Storefronts platform and I think the expectations many times are out of line in this situation. I wanna be a broken record on calibrating, I wanna be a broken record on the fundamentals of romance marketing. How you need to understand it and it's how marketing is done in 2017, it's not 2005 anymore. It's not 2000, it's not 1975, it's not 1950, marketing has changed.
So, the number one reason why most people fail at this is because they haven't learned this concept. So I wanna learn this concept, we're coming at this concept from every way imaginable. We're throwing it at you and so depending on how you wanna learn, we've got it for you. So if you feel like this is a new concept, you need to brush up on it. You haven't been on four of these webinars and heard me, just go back to it and back to and back to it, we've got you covered, we've got you covered, okay. So how art really sells, I've got it on the podcast, boom, right there, episode two, Why Most Artists Fail at Facebook Ads. Went on a long rant on that podcast episode, there it is. Check it out if you wanna hear it.
How art really sells online? We've got a visual deck for you, here it is, this thing will be linked in the show notes as always. You know, it's about content marketing but what you guys are technically doing in your marketing is content marketing, it's just art, go through that deck, it'll take two minutes of your time and it'll totally help you understand how this whole process goes. How you need to be marketing this romancing concept. You know, we call it romance marketing if you really wanna take your study to the next level and I highly recommend you do this, really honestly, there's no better investment. No better ROI than investing in oneself and learning, there's some follow-up reading, and it's this book by Gary Vaynerchuk that we recommend which is called “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook,” right?
We call it romance marketing, his analogy is jab, jab, jab, right hook. There's a couple of different ways to say it, but what's gonna happen when you read this book Victoria, and I know you're on this webinar. I love you, Victoria, I'm almost done reading “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook” and for the last five days I've been OD-ing on Gary Vaynerchuk's Daily Vee show on YouTube. Thanks so much for introducing him to us, this guy is super awesome, I can't get enough.
Boom, boom, that's what I'm talking about right there, you read that book, you are gonna have such a great understanding of how marketing is done. How successful, sustainable, profitable marketing is done in today's day and age and it absolutely applies 100% to what you're doing so. Highly recommend you read that book, also we've got a previous webinar on romance emails already. Where is it, let's find it, so you can see it, on visual, boom, right there. Office Hours three, romance email basics, so you can check that one out, or what was, oh, yeah, we've got a blog post on it too. So we'll link all that stuff up.
So I don't care how you learn the concept, critical that you do, gotta know how it all works and then at that point in time, it's just about doing the work, doing the work. That's it, right, so let's come at it from, know the game, learn the game, play it. And yeah, that's just saying, we call it romance marketing, Gary V calls it jab, jab, jab, right hook. This other guy, Seth Godin, bald marketing guru, calls it permission marketing. Don't care what you call it, gotta learn how to do it, once you learn how to do it, you're in a great place. Let's come at it from another angle. Let's do it visual, boom, piggy bank, that's your art business, it's also your audience.
It should be thought of as a piggy bank, the reason most artists fail is because they don't make any deposits in the piggy bank and then they smash it with a hammer. You're not gonna win that way, you're not gonna win that way, you need to make deposits frequently. The deposits are what we call the romance stuff, it is content that you give away for free without any expectation of earning money back on return and not salesy stuff, which we're gonna get into. So, when the time is right and you send out discount emails or just the time is right for your particular buyer, you're gonna have that goodwill in there.
You're gonna have money in the piggy bank to withdraw from and that's another way to think about how this concept works. So let's create the goodwill and let's do it on the social platforms, right, so let's get into it. Romancing the Socials, what's it look like. Socials, let's define it, I don't care if it's Facebook, or Instagram, or Pinterest or YouTube or Snapchat or Twitter or all of 'em or some combination in between, don't do Google Plus, Google Plus is dead. But any of the rest of 'em, we would certainly recommend, starting if you haven't started with Facebook and Instagram, if you're getting steam, Facebook and Instagram, if you're kicking butt, Facebook and Instagram because the entire world are on those two and growing, and growing, and growing.
The other ones, not saying you can't be successful on the other ones, lots of people are, just doesn't matter which one it is, play to your strengths. But, you know, I've got my two recommendations, right. So how do you romance 'em, how do you romance 'em, and I've used this guy as an example on a previous webinar. I like this guy's art, I've been following this guy on Instagram for a while and I love it. And he romances great, in my opinion, and I just wanted to give you a visual example.
He's got this little color thing that he does. Some artist in Los Angeles, I mean, I've never met him, I don't know him, but I just started following him on social and I like his stuff and if you go through his posts. He's never selling, he's never selling, there's no buy now, there's no 30% off, many cases, because this is Instagram, whatever this is, I don't like this, but I'm not gonna tell him. He painted a car, really cool, hey, check me out. Look at this cool stuff I'm doing, oh, look at this, the purple fades, kind of awesome, but there's no buy now, there's no 15% off, there's no come to my website and grab this.
This guy is just creating awesome. He's just creating awesome, he's showing all the stuff that he's done, he's painted a bunch of cars recently, other neat things, like painted a bunch of buildings and he's just showing the awesome, that's it. So these are all, this is all just romancing all the time and he, you know, this guy to a fault. He almost never never right hooks, goes to the sale, but I gotta be honest with you, I really like this guy's stuff. I've been following him for a while now. I'm probably gonna continue to follow him and at one point in time some of his stuff's expensive. I will probably buy some of it, so there's an example of someone doing a great job, what I perceive to be a great job.
So there's one example on Instagram, right. So how do you romance 'em, that's his style, what's yours? There is no concrete rule about how you do it and I think a lot of artists get hung up on that, right? How do I do it, spoon feed me, tell me exactly what I need to do, what's the plan, how should I do it? I would start, if you're just getting started, start with a quick hack, which is follow the pros. I would recommend you follow Gary V, just because that guy's the master of all masters. He's the jab, jab, jab right hook guy and his stuff is just high energy, awesome.
Victoria here, in the questions, says yeah, he's my new God because that guy just gets you fired up, but he understands it, right, but follow him. Follow some big artists, follow Mike Taylor, we'll talk about him in a second. Get inspired and learn how some of the other ones are doing it, the ratio, the content, the frequency. All of that is up to you, you've just gotta follow the plan, you do not need to overthink it. It's really just about doing the work, like, the important takeaways in all of this just going back to the Mar guy that I liked, it's just giving and giving and giving and giving and he's not asking for anything in return.
You just have to build the goodwill, the act of doing is far more important than the substance that you have in there in terms of what the creative material it is as long as you're not constantly going for the jugular. You're filling the piggy bank up, you really just wanna carpet bomb the interwebs with awesomeness, carpet bomb 'em with your art awesomeness. That's what it is, and everyone always asks next, well, what about the ratio? There is no one size fits all number.
When I say the ratio, how many times do you romance versus how many times do you go for the jugular and go for the sale? Or how many times do you jab, jab, jab, versus right hook and let's just stay on Gary's analogy for the rest of it. So there's no ratio, it's not specific. There's no golden number, you adjust it to taste to your style, but whatever it is, the share number should be fairly high, it should be really high.
I mean, I would go as far to say, and I'm at the extreme, extreme end, I mean, I would tell you even, very difficult for most people to get to where I am in my mind on this, which is I'm at the Gary V level. Which you just give, give, give, give, give, give, and then every once in awhile you ask, but going back to, you know, that artist, this guy that I follow, I'm already on board. I'm gonna buy a piece when it's right for me, when I have some extra money, when I have the wall space. When my timing's right, so it doesn't even matter if he ever asks, he doesn't need to, I'm already sold. I'm gonna buy when the time is right and he's just gonna get me with these subtle reminders as I follow him on Instagram and maybe I might be sitting on my couch watching a football game and I'm gonna be, like, you know what, I hate that thing on the wall over there, it's time, I'm pulling the trigger.
So that's me at an extreme, you don't have to be at that extreme, by any stretch of the imagination do you need to be at that extreme. You can do 10, 15, 20 posts and then go for the swing. Then go for the right hook, right? So you just adjust it to taste, you adjust it to taste, the important thing is the share share share without asking for anything in return and then, and then, you know, you've built up the good will, then you can start throwing the right hook, right. So ask, so do it, swing a right hook, but there are different right hooks and there are different asks you can try.
So let's discuss some of the tools that we have in the arsenal and again we're staying on the Gary Vaynerchuk, jab, jab, jab, right hook, the jab, jab, jab is just the giving and the sharing. The right hook is when you go for an ask. So let's talk about the kind of right hooks you can go for, you can go for the Bruce Lee special, right? Which is the sale, this is your discount, hey all, sale this weekend, 48 hours only, 20% off, use coupon code this that or the other. Right, so you can go for that, go for that jab occasionally, that's the Bruce Lee special, you gotta do that. But there are other jabs that you can go for, other asks that you can go for. Boom, the Tyson email jab, I love this jab.
Hey guys, if you are appreciating what I'm sharing here on Instagram and on Facebook, I have a killer newsletter where I share more content and go more in depth on my process and some stuff you can only get on my email list. Love it if you join, use whatever language you want, enjoying these images, consider signing up for my email list, right? That's a powerful, that's a powerful right hook right there, and it's low commitment and you'll find that if people are digging your art they're gonna jump on that list. It's a great way to do it. What else, boom, look at this, the Peruvian lady's right hook, I love this thing. Like a downward motion, boom, ask 'em to come to your art show.
You've been carpet bombing social media with the awesomeness, somebody's, I really like this art, it's really cool, boom, come to my art show. It's happening this weekend, so and so, if you're in town, love for you to come by, already I'm thinking about the free wine that's gonna be there, I love a glass of wine, walk around, look at some cool art. So that's another good right hook that you can go for, right? What about the ever popular follow me on right hook. So you give, you give, you give, you give, hey, if you're enjoying this, I also share some killer stuff on Instagram if you're on Facebook. Or, if you're on Instagram, check out my stuff on Facebook, follow me there, and these are ones you can mix in, right? Because these are lower commitment right hooks than the boom, Bruce Lee sale one, which is like the mega power one, right?
So you could think through what they are and you have the options to mix 'em up and just mix 'em up. Set the ratio that's good for you and mix 'em up, give away some stuff, give away some stuff, give away some stuff come back and swing one of these hooks. You know, workshops, we have a lot of people that are, they're hustling, they're trying to sell art online, but you gotta pay bills too. So they have what I like to call a side hustle. You're selling classes or if you're a photographer. You're doing portrait photography or whatever else, so that's another great example of a right hook and while we're on the subject I've got this new zoom in thing, feature, I don't know if it's gonna work but we'll give it a shot.
So, this guy is Mike Taylor, he's a photographer on our platform and I think he is the ranking champion, let's see if this works. Try and zoom in on this, does it work? How's that for a Facebook page like count? He's got 261,000 likes on his Facebook, boom. Do you think this is a guy that knows how to get the job done in terms of romance marketing, I would say so. So let's just scan and take a quick look and we'll get into a few things and then I wanna look at one of his right hooks so to speak, right? Oh, look at this, you're looking for creative ideas. I get this all the time, well, what do I share, I don't know what to share, I gotta figure out, what if I'm a painter, all of that.
Look, he's sharing other people's stuff, he's awesome. He wants to be the guy, I don't even know what you call this, spectral night, long exposure, exposure blending photography, he wants to be the guy. So look at this, he's sharing other people's stuff, that's not even his, congrats on well-deserved. Hello, old friend, now I love this in terms of a romance one, so let me see if I can do the zoom in again. Like I said, that'll blow it up, but what do we have here, we have a photo and we have hello old friend, that's it, that's it, nothing else. Nothing else on this, no asking for a discount, no signing up for my email list, this is just a beautiful jab.
And look at that 120 shares, 2300 reactions, 27 comments, I mean, absolutely crushing it, absolutely crushing it. So as we scroll down, what I wanted to do was I wanted to get onto one of his, okay, so here we go, here's a little right hook from him. Moon Halo, so he's got 2017 Night Photography Workshops. There it is, he's sharing a link right back to his workshop. So there's a bit of a right hook right there, and it's for one of his workshop things which I think is really cool.
And you know, as you scroll down, and by the way how cool is this that he does, also an awesome thing that artists should do, you format your images so they're perfect screen backgrounds, great way to get on somebody's mind, let me tell you, but he's sharing stuff. I'll include a link to his site. He does a great job of it and he's awesome at just jabbing, like look, there's another one. There's just a little text there in the title of the image, nothing else, not going for the jugular but he's a little bit of a different animal because he has built up so much good will already that he can be jabbing a lot more than he is, so he's kind of a different story. But I'll include a link, it's worth checking it out, but there he is, there's him throwing a workshop jab, right?
So you can go for those swings whenever you like and I say, what about me, I'm a photographer. A mixed media painter, sculptor, what do I do, I'll tell what to do 'cause this is the common thing that's, like, everybody wants this spoon fed, what exactly do I do, tell me exactly what to do. The easiest response there is do it, do the work, stop overthinking it, let's remember one thing here, you are creative, create. Then share it, rinse and repeat, focus on the ratio part and find your way on the rest, find what works for you, every one of you guys in this webinar creates amazing stuff. Start sharing it, figuring out creative ways to do it, but I think all of that, going back to everything that we just taught to this part is the critical way to think about it on how you're gonna share and how you're gonna do that stuff and then just doing the work, you'll figure it out.
I mean, Facebook and Instagram have metrics like likes and comments and shares, double down on whatever's working in that department, and don't overthink it. I mean, there are so many different ways you can creatively come at it, so if you're just getting started, go and follow some people that you like and respect and love, I think Gary V should be one of them. Follow Mike Taylor if you like on Facebook, see how they do it and take inspiration. Steal, steal stuff, just copy it, throw it into your feed, do it verbatim, you'll find that, you know, just doing the work you're gonna end up learning what works for you and mix it up, mix it up. It's not to be over thought, it's, just doing the work versus overthinking it. It is what it is, but anyway, I wanted to get, shift right now into Q&A, we've got a bunch of Q&A, and, you know, we're 27 minutes in already so I don't wanna shortchange this.
All right, so Todd asks, “I know you're planning to cover Facebook strategies later on but are there any fundamental things in general that I should know about before I start building a Facebook audience. Best practices, pitfalls, et cetera, I'm starting that phase in earnest this weekend.” Yeah, I'm gonna cover it and I'm gonna cover it by looping back to this question that we needed to ask from last week. So I told you in our last webinar, so Arturo Samaniego, still not sure if I have that right, Samaniego, anyway, he asked, he's like, he's running a Facebook ad and look, we took a look at his Facebook ad.
When I zoom, it doesn't play the video, bummer, but he's got a video of his great work and he wrote in saying, he's been driving a ton of traffic with this and they've been going to his website and looking at the shop and staying around for awhile but he's just not getting any sales. And what's funny is I went and I took a look and it raised a couple of issues, two issues. One was about teaser pricing, which ended up being a hot button issue and I wanna answer that but also, the other one was Todd's question, which I wanna go back and answer first, so I'm gonna do a double whammy.
So number one, what's fundamental about getting started with Facebook, and this is why you love that you're on Art Storefront because I've made this so easy, it doesn't even make sense. So I'm gonna get into the back end of his site and by the way, Arturo, if you're on this, you had this screwed up, so I fixed it for you. I'm just gonna go ahead and tell you I did that, hope that's okay, and this is how you install the Facebook pixel and how you get things going. So you go to Facebook, you sign up for a Facebook ads account, when Facebook ads gives you the pixel, and where is it, it's in here somewhere, script, script, I believe it's that. Facebook gives you this line of code, you take this line of code, you copy it, you paste it in there, step one. And I've been over this a whole bunch of times.
Step two, this is the part that we made so easy, this is the part that is crazy technical, crazy complicated, so Todd, to answer your question, I mean, I can't even begin to tell you how cool this is. I have not seen this with any other website provider. I asked for this to be done and they did it specifically for me, the coders here, which is awesome. But you see, success page head, you see contact created this business here, and you see this business here. What these are are the custom conversions in Facebook, and I've got a blog post that explains it in depth. I don't wanna get too far into the weeds, but Todd, to answer your question, you need to put the Facebook script in here, just like this and Arturo, this is where you had it screwed up.
Then you come out here to the second page and look at this business, you go boom, here's the tool tip, all you do is you copy this code. You don't have any idea how difficult this is for a normal person with a normal website to get this done, like, I can't even begin to tell you, look at this, look at this, look at this. I'm adding three custom conversions to a website and I know this might be over your head, some of you, but this is just an amazing thing, I mean, I can't even believe I can do this. And boom, done, done, save, done, and what I just did there was I created three conversions in Facebook so that Facebook will start building audiences.
So, if they come to your site and they checked out, you're gonna start building an audience there. If they came to your site and signed up for your email list, they're gonna start signing up there. If they came to your site and put something in their shopping cart and then left, that's gonna start building an audience, and we're gonna get into that more on the Facebook side of things. But let's go back to Arturo's question, right because he's really bummed out, he doesn't understand why this traffic is coming to his site from Facebook and where we landed last webinar was do you see how he's got his teaser pricing here and it's really, really low. So as we looked at his teaser pricing, there we go.
Now we've got the zoom, I mean, it's $3.50, $2.33, $2.92 cents and I saw that immediately and I was, like, whoa. What's going on there, I don't really understand and I thought about it and I was, like, first, let's go see what the official line is at Art Storefronts. Number one, we believe that showing teaser pricing is the right way to do things, based on our data, we believe it's the right way to do things. I do not believe, so that answers the teaser pricing question, the question was starting with prices this low. We are not advocating that you do that, I think that's way too low, I think you need to start at a reasonable price and reasonably set expectations.
This does feel a little bait and switch-y to me, personally. So I would not start with prices this low, but I think, you know, as I was thinking through this question and I was like I wanna go get what the official Art Storefronts line is because sometimes I'm the marketing guy and I'm insanely opinionated and, you know, the wrong way, the right way, the way I do things. And so sometimes I'm gonna be at odds with Art Storefronts, even, but the beautiful thing about Art Storefronts, the beautiful thing that we've learned building the software is it's not any one thing that makes the software amazing. It is a bunch of small wins that you have all across this website stacked up to give you the big win. I got an email and I think the question's a little bit later like I don't feel comfortable doing the teaser pricing, no worries, if you don't want pricing on this page, don't show it on this page.
You absolutely do not need to show it on this page. It's one small win out of the many, it's one small win out of the many. So, if you're not comfortable with one, by all means, pull one out, right way, wrong way, the way we do things. The argument we would make in terms of teaser pricing is that what do most artists have online. They've got giant business cards, the reason you put the teaser pricing on there is to introduce to your web visitors that this is a store and you have the opportunity for commerce. That's our rationale for putting it in there. We believe in it, do you have to do it yourself, no, absolutely not.
Let's go back though, again, one more time and circle back because again, this is the subject of the webinar. This looks like a decent ad right, beautiful seascapes, waves, and swimmer paintings. He doesn't have any 20% off for anything else, he's, like, just come check out my art, come check it out. So I actually don't think it's a bad ad, am I surprised that he hasn't gotten any orders out of it yet, no, not necessarily. Because back to the beginning of the webinar, that's not how art sells online, you know, you have to go look at this deck, go look at this deck. Arturo ran these ads and he's been working hard and he thinks he has some of the right targeting and some of the right traffic, but it's not the way things sell.
He's marketing like it's 2002. He's actually marketing correctly, but his expectations are out of line. His expectations are year 2000 where you show something online with a discount on it, they come and they buy. It's in this deck, it's, like, the caveman and the caveman is just the best way to do it, I don't know if I'm gonna have to fire through all these slides, let's see, yeah, it's like that guy. It's, like, ugh, I make things, humans click, they buy, I get money, it does not work that way anymore. So with your ad here, what's happening is it's a good ad. They're getting to your site, a huge win on that ad is gonna be them getting onto your email list, that's how I would judge that ad as a win. If they're on your email list, and you start emailing 'em and you start building a couple of those romance touches, that's when you're more than likely gonna get the sale.
You're investing in your business in this ad, so if you hear me say that and you're, like, oh man, so you're telling me I've gotta spend money right out of the gates, on ads, not ask for the sale, and probably not get the sale for a couple of months, that, I'm not doing that, that can't be true, that can't be right. I'm here to tell you, unfortunately, that's the way the world works. That's the way that it works, and that's the way that you need to think about it, and by the way, I don't know if you could hear that in the background, but I told you I got a new puppy. You got like the little roll of poop bags, he just pulled the poop bag thing out. I could hear it dragging all the way through my house and now he is, here he is sitting on the floor behind me with like 100 feet of poop bag roll, unbelievable.
Anyway, Arturo, I hope that answers the question, sorry to get off track there. You've got to invest in your business and you've got to go and do Facebook ads saying, you know what, I am willing to dedicate 150, 250, $300 a month for a year to invest in my business and build my email list to really be successful on Facebook ads. If you're not willing to make a commitment like that at that level, maybe even $100 a month or, you know, there's niche specific things you can do, if you have an art show, you're advertising for that or some other things, but you have to go into it knowing that it's a business expense. That you need to invest in your business and it's going to take some time to get there. Otherwise you're setting yourself up for failure, so I hope that sort of answers.
Rebecca, essentially the concept is you want people on your email list, yes, 100%, you want people on your email list. So how do you establish value when you're sharing the same stuff on Facebook that you are on your email list. Oh, that's scary, nobody's looking at all of it, Rebecca, no one has time, no one has time, how busy are people? No one cares, no one honestly cares, no one's gonna see it. That's how you have to think about it. So you could throw the exact same content that you have on the email, exact same that you throw into the Facebook post and Instagram, depending on how you do it, and all it does is reinforce your message, don't overthink it, start doing it. As you move down the line you'll naturally get more creative at it, like, let me just use a photographer as an example.
Let's say you sell nature photography and you did Yosemite and you got pictures of Vernal Falls and Half Dome and El Capitan and you're gonna put those three with some language in an email newsletter, okay. Well, then take the three different images and share those on Facebook and Instagram, ask 'em to join your email list. Get 'em on the email list, so don't overthink it, don't think everyone is gonna see everything that you put out, they're not. We're all busy, how much stuff do you ignore, how much stuff do I ignore all the time, all the time, so each one is just another little touch and sometimes what you'll find, not sometimes, all the time, we do this all the time.
We'll put the exact same content on Facebook and on Instagram and on PushCrew, you ever see those little browser notifications that we sometimes get you on in the corner. We'll put it everywhere, I'll ring 15 bells at once because if I do that, if I ring 15 different bells at once, I at least stand a chance of getting your attention because it's really hard to do otherwise. So don't overthink it, just get going on it and I think you'll be great, I think you'll be great.
Deb from robinimaging.com. “How many are too many emails per month?” We get this question I think at least once a webinar, the take a step back, big picture question is, as many emails as you're providing value on, you can be comfortable sending, what do I mean? If you're providing value, if you're romancing primarily, if you're enriching their lives, enriching their daily experience, you can't send enough, you can send one a day. If you're sending awesome and I love it. Let's just say you're a photographer and you're doing image of the day and it brightens my day, every morning I wanna see it, send an email every single solitary day.
You know, 24/7 365, not 24/7 but seven days a week, 365 days a year, so there is no absolute rule. The lens you should think about it is how much value am I applying, so there's no magic number. It's completely situational if you're sending discounts all the time, you better not be sending those seven days a week, I tell you that. You're gonna have some angry people. Okay, Glen LaMar, he emailed a question, you didn't send your site, Glen, so I can't give you a shout out on that, but I want to reinforce the comment made by one of the listeners near the end of the session about showing prices on the gallery pages, yeah. So I think we've been through that, yeah, really misleading, false advertising, and again, I think you've gotten the company line from me on that and you've gotten my two cents about it, but you gotta do what's comfortable for you.
Even if you completely knock it out, losing one win is certainly not gonna kill you. Victoria, so I kind of chopped your question up with your Gary V comments and then, so the question would be, will you be covering influencer marketing? Victoria, at the pace you're on, you're gonna be teaching us about influencer marketing, we're not experts at it, in particular, in terms of our wheelhouse. I know some people that are doing it really well and for those that are not initiated what Victoria's referencing is these people that have tremendous followings on insert name of social media platform here, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, you encourage them to share your art in some how, some way, and thereby drive a ton of traffic.
It's a technique that works incredibly well for some people so definitely worth exploring, not something that we have many plans of diving into, but if you get good at it, I wanna hear about it, that's gotta go on the podcast for sure, okay. Now I'm gonna start with the questions that you guys have thrown in, what is the best practice for determining the sizes that you wanna offer your works in? There's no golden rule there either, Casey, it's a situational question, I think more important than what sizes, in my opinion, are the price points, right, and that's like the bigger, you know, the bigger determining factor about what sizes are.
You offer the smaller sizes so that you can offer the lower price points and you can be able to have A/B in pricing for all different types of buyers. So that's what I think about that, you don't need to overthink that, everybody that asks that question is overthinking it and they're not moving on to their marketing, don't overthink it, set it to whatever you think is best. Look at some other artists that you might like and just get rolling. Martha said, definitely loving the podcast, thank you, totally appreciate you, leave me a review, leave me a review, Martha, dying for reviews, dying for reviews.
Okay, Casey, you said thank you, someone said my voice was scrambled, I hope not. Todd said thank you, thank you, Todd, and then Martha asks, so do you do a right hook from your newsletter list or your social media? Both, both, you right hook everywhere, right hook everywhere, and ideally right hook everywhere at once, just make sure that you're building up that good will as you go along. And then you can make the withdrawals and then that's how it goes. We're gonna get way more into this concept on the Facebook podcast, so I'm excited about that.
All right guys, thank you for attending the webinar, I'm gonna go ahead and exit out there, we'll email you the replay in a couple of days and yeah, everybody, have a great weekend, really appreciate you guys attending.