Let's go ahead, and on that note, just get started. So, today's schedule is announcements, we're gonna get into the Playbook, we're gonna start talking about the steps, and then of course we're gonna get into the Q&A at the very end. So, my normal webinar warmup, we've got many first timers. What is Office Hours? Live webinars just for you guys, they are now on Facebook Live. We're gonna update you about everything, strategy, tactics, insights and the Q&A.
As always if you need help, the Customer Success folks. You can email Success@artstorefronts.com or you do this meetme.so/ASFSuccess, you can book a call with them.
An exciting update that we have kinda in the last week is that we've got HTTPS, which basically means all your guys' websites are secure. It's one of those things, it could be a big issue for most people and it can be a huge technical headache and the good news is you don't have to worry about it. You're pretty much all now 100 percent secure unless there's some sort of weird thing going on. So, if that is the case, if you run into any issues you can contact support and that should just take care of it. I realize that I've got something popping in notifications here. I'll get rid of that, okay.
Small wins, so I saw some notes about this and it's like we're gonna be making these videos. Let's fix the spell check on that. We're gonna be making these videos and dropping them in here on a regular basis and you'll notice as you go an try to find them. The feed in here, just like Facebook or just like anything else really tends to get busy but what's awesome is you've got these tabs here and they also exist if you're on your mobile phone and you'll find if you just go to videos. Here's the most recent video from today, here's the last two that we did and they're just in here. You can see this one's in here instantaneously. So, it becomes a really powerful way to be able to grab these videos and you know, say you if missed them or whatever else. And to give you the great use case for instance, you can be on your computer in your office, your house, wherever you are, watching one of these things and then decide you have to jump in the car maybe you're headed on a road trip for the weekend, it's like you can grab your phone, come load the video, press play, and listen to it on Bluetooth if you're so inclined. It's one of the amazing things about Facebook is they've invested so much money in their mobile experience and made it so compelling and just made it work for the most part that you can jump in here at any point in time and grab the old videos and our goal is to really start populating the heck out of this with various different videos that we do and then once we do we'll arrange them in albums around topics, Facebook ads, SEO, email marketing, marketing playbook.
Sorry, I'm a little stuffed up today. But anyway, I wanted to show you guys that so if you're in here in your discussion, it's like, oh I saw that video, I wanted to watch it but I got busy and now I'm no longer here, it's just like, boom. Hit that video tab, hit that video tab, get in there and take a look that way. So I think that's a good announcement. Lucy says, "I like the ability to search for a specific topic." Yeah, Facebook just works on a different level, a bunch of different levels. I have big Facebook learning this week and I wasn't really sure where to put this and I just tossed it in here and it has to do with, I put it on the next slide, it has to do with when you take your email list and you give it to Facebook, Facebook goes and matches that email list to these people's Facebook profiles and you can show them ads, right? One of the roadblocks, stumbling blocks people tell us all the time is like, I don't have that many email addresses, I'm just getting started. I don't really have that much to give to Facebook. I would say even six months ago or certainly a year ago, a year in change, you're right. That would have been an issue. But I'm here to tell you, and I don't wanna sound like creepy guy coming up on Halloween, but Facebook just has so much information now.
So when you go to upload a list, Facebook has the ability to take an Excel spreadsheet with all the rest of these columns. It can be phone number, first name, last name, zip code, city, state, country, DOB if you've got it, age, gender, all of that stuff and what I've been finding is I'd been uploading databases to Facebook without the email address, and let me say that again 'cause it's profound, without the email address, and Facebook has been matching 'em. So even without this email address, I've been giving as many of these other variables as I have on potential customers and Facebook is recognizing it and matching it to their profile, so all of you guys that have been running those art fairs for years and you have a box full, a shoebox full of receipts, go and dig 'em out, get somebody to put 'em in there and you can start having Facebook match do it which is just incredible. But anyway, one idea, we'll go more into depth on that later.
Be gracious that we're still learning this technology, it might go sideways. Your questions, of course we want 'em. I'm constantly, I'm sorta figuring out how to monitor the questions without interrupting the flow as I go, so I want as many of your questions as possible. Doesn't matter what it is, throw 'em in there, and then we have a couple other guys that are answering 'em on the fly. I can see Katie asked a question. Taylor answered it so we'll continue to do that too. So honestly, if you don't get something, you need some clarification, this is why we're on Facebook. Hammer out that question. There's a chance if you've got the question, others have the question. There are no stupid questions. Just hammer 'em in, we wanna answer 'em. That's what this whole thing's for, it's for you guys.
So let's update the countdown. We've got 41 days, you guys, until Thanksgiving, 42 days 'til Black Friday, 45 days 'til Cyber Monday, 73 to Christmas, 80 until New Year's and all of us know one thing for certain, at some point in time, the clock just turns. It's holiday season, all of the craziness of the holiday season just comes burying down upon us and one thing we do not have abundance of is time. So that's what this webinar is all about is to get ahead of the curve, that's why we're coming at you 41 days out saying it's time to plan our strategies because this fourth quarter, this holiday season is when more art is sold than at any other time in the entire year and we want all of you guys being able to capture that and capture those wins.
So we've created what we call the Playbook and we've been building this thing for the entire last year. I know some of you guys are new and you probably don't know. It's really, it's just a holiday marketing guide to just get sales, sales and more sales. Aren't I creative with the dollar signs? So what I wanted to do is I wanted to define the Playbook. I wanna say what is it, why do you need to run it, and what are the big picture steps and really go into some of that stuff today so that everybody's on board and then not only that, this video will live somewhere so you can come back and get it, right? So we're gonna go through the Playbook, step by step, and it really is the step by step guide and strategy covering you and how to market your art for the holidays. And yes, is it for the end of the year rush? It absolutely is, but it's also for pretty much every marketing plan that you have, every marketing a big event that you have going forward. I don't care if it's a sale for any holiday any time throughout the year. If you've got a local show and you wanna do a blitz on that, if you're gonna be at an art fair or something, if you have an art gallery show. It can be for anything so it's just critical that you guys learn this and continue to get better at it, right? And this thing is going to be all encompassing and always, always evolving.
It's gonna cover email marketing, discounts, psychology, urgency, Facebook and Instagram posting strategies as well as the ad strategies. We're literally updating this thing all the time. It's changed not drastically but it's changed pretty healthy, in a pretty healthy clip, since even the last year and the thing that's important to keep in mind about this is it takes practice. I don't know how many of you ran a version of our Playbook last year. Leave a comment if you did, actually. I'd be really curious to hear how many of you felt like you did run the Playbook for any of the holidays that we put you through, whether it had been on Mother's Day or Black Friday or Cyber Monday or any of 'em. The point in all this is that it does not matter what your experience level is. You get started, you start learning in it, there are a lot of layers to this thing and you do as much as you can and you learn. Holiday season after that, you're gonna do more. Soon you'll be a sophisticated art marketing machine and we're gonna make sure that you're constantly armed with the latest tactics so you just, you gotta start learning this thing. Start execute on it and you'll get there. It's like, I don't care how long it takes. I can't stress that enough. We're gonna be at this all year for the rest of the year and all year next year and all year the year after that and the year after that and the year after that. This Playbook needs to be a part of the foundation of your business. It should be a part of the foundation of your business. Some of the tactical is gonna change over time absolutely, but to put this big, quick picture to use some Latin, it's sine qua non. I don't even know if I pronounced that right but I like that line. It's the essential element of your online art gallery business going forward and it will never change.
So what do you need, the basics you need to participate. You need a kick ass website, check, you already got that. You're with our storefront. It would help if it had some bells and whistles too, yours does, you're set. You need an email service provider like Mailchimp. You need an email list. You need a Facebook page and an Instagram account. You need a Facebook ads account to be able to run ads on both of those. You need your email list uploaded to Facebook. We've got posts on every one of these little steps already. If you don't have these things, these are the things that you need to start getting in order. Many of you will have all of this already. For some of you, you've got some homework list items. But the good news is that you can go through this incrementally.
Step one is the website, you check that one off already, you guys all have it. If you haven't started a Mailchimp account, start a Mailchimp account. Get your email list in there, don't care what size it is. Everybody starts at one. If you already have that and you haven't started a Facebook page or an Instagram account, get going on those. If you've got those and you haven't taken the next step to do the Facebook ads account, get going on that. Upload your list to Facebook. So no matter where you are, you can step into this thing and just start knockin' things off the list. This is what you need, it's not gonna change. These are the basics that you need to participate. If this is a game, this is your uniform, your cleats, your socks, your shin guards. It's what you need to take the field.
Now then, the steps and the why. This thing can feel complicated, I get that. We're gonna break this baby down into its increment layers and levels and it's gonna sound easy, which it is. It's easy to do. The big picture is you're gonna have some sort of sale or discount. You're gonna use urgency in that discount and you're gonna blast this message in as many channels and outlets as possible. Lots of nuance to it though, of course, and you know, for anyone that knows me for any length of time knows that I'm quite fond of analogies and so I wanna do one and we started calling this thing the Playbook for a lack of a better term, but I actually really like the Playbook concept and so we've sort of arrived at this analogy. I think this one dovetails well, I hope you like it. If you guys do like it, I might polish it up even more. But this whole thing, this whole Playbook.
This field, and I love soccer, so bear with me despite the fact USA didn't make the World Cup and I'm upset about that. Now then, this field, okay, is the holiday season and just like the game of soccer, there is a clock. There is a finite amount of time to this game. The goal: our sales. That's our goal, that's what we're trying to do. We're trying to get as many sales for you guys in this holiday season in this game. This guy, this first player on the field. He's your marketing campaign. He is what you're attempting to use to score goals during the holiday season. Now what do most artists do? They think the holiday campaign, their holiday campaign, is Lionel Messi. For those of you who don't know soccer, he's the greatest player of all time, at least currently, in the world. And what they think is they're gonna have a holiday campaign and they're gonna use Lionel Messi, or whatever their one thing is, and he's gonna score 'em a bunch of goals, make sales, and that's how it works.
There's a problem in that argument, though, isn't there? You've got another team to make it through, and what does this other team represent? It represents distractions, it represents other people having sales, it represents waning attention, unopened emails, short attention span theater, all of it, doesn't matter how good Messi is. He's gonna have to beat an entire team to score. So that's what most artists do, right? They send an email, perhaps they even send two emails. They try to take Messi and have him take on everybody and then they don't make any sales and they complain about. You are not most artists, you're rollin' with us. So what are you guys gonna do? Really takin' this analogy. You're gonna put some other players on the field. Right, you're gonna put some other players on the field and you're gonna have all of them work together as a team and as a team, they're gonna help Messi score some goals. And I think that analogy is actually really, really powerful to explain exactly how we approach this holiday email marketing Playbook.
The key is that you understand that all of these players that we're telling you about on the field all work together and that's why this strategy works because you're working, all of your marketing is working as a team. So if you're tracking with me so far, the players are the various different venues or outlets that you can use, right? Email, Facebook, Instagram, the announcement bar, phone calls, flyers, whatever it might be in your marketing, every individual venue that you have is a player on this particular team, right? That's the analogy, that's kinda how it goes.
So let's keep it rolling, right? In this Playbook, there are stages of the game, what I'm calling formations, right? So stay with me on the sports analogy. There's the prime the pump, which is the training that you do to get ready for the game. There's the warm up, this is what you do right before the game. There's the offer, that's the game itself. We have the resend unopens, I'm gonna get into this in a second, and then you have the last email you send which is the 24 hour warning, those are the last minutes of the game. All of that is a game, right? All of that is a game and all of your various different marketing pieces represent different formations of the team, right? Different ways that they're laid out on the field but they're all working together at each stage of the game. So let me explain this.
So step number one is prime the pump. It's always been called prime the pump, but maybe I should call it training, right? It's running the stairs in the off season, it's in the weight room, it's getting ready for the game. But what it essentially means that you need to warm up your audience before the holiday season has even started. Everybody forgets to do this and it's annoying. So let's say you're gonna be at one of three levels wherever you are, any of you guys that are out there, here's where you are. You are either regularly emailing your list romance type of content, let's say anything from one email a week to a few emails a month. Okay, that's group A. Group B, you have sent some romance emails but you've done so infrequently, like maybe you got one off last month and you got one off two months ago. Or let's say you're in group C. You've never really emailed your list at all. It's okay.
For this first step, we're all in the same bucket. So what you gotta do in this stage, and this is again, this is before the season even starts, it's what not to do is make sure that the first email they've seen from you in a while is gonna be a right hook, a sales ask. You've gotta think through the relationship, right? So if you've not emailed this list in a while and then all of a sudden you email your list and you say, buy my art, it's 40 percent off, do it right now. That is not gonna work well. That's not gonna have a good affect. The relationship example is so powerful because it's like, you've bumped into somebody you haven't seen in a long time and you're like, oh hey, why don't you come home and sleep with me? Like, that is not the right way to do it, don't be that guy, don't be that gal, you gotta get involved in a little bit of romance, so to speak. So the important thing to do here is send some romance emails. While you're doing this, you tease the fact that sales are coming. So a great way to do this is with a P.S. and here's what I wanna show you and let me just stop by saying if you've been emailing romance emails, then just add the P.S. If you haven't, you should send a few before we even get anywhere near the discount.
So let me show you an example of what this would look like. This is an email. You'll notice it's got non-salesy language, non-salesy language, non-salesy language, my signature, Patricks Photography, cheers, Patrick.com, and then it's got a P.S. Hey guys, the holidays are coming. I don't discount often, but when I do, it's around the holidays. Stay tuned to future emails. If you take note of this email, it would have some of your art in it and it would have absolutely no selling in it whatsoever. In the P.S. you let people know hey the holidays are indeed coming, I don't often discount but that's the one time of the year that I do and so it just plants the seed in your prospects' minds that you're gonna have sales coming down and they're gonna be coming down in a hoyt and so it's a really powerful technique not often used, it is critical that you do it without any sales whatsoever. No buy now, no 15 percent off, no nothing. Nothing. The psychology piece is really, really important. So regardless of where you are, you can start with this part of the technique, right? The early birds can and should start doing this today. You can do four or five P.S.s to warm things up even and it'll be fine, just let people know the sales are coming, right? And for the rest of you, even if you've never emailed your list, it's okay, you can do it with one or two emails. Introduce, if you're brand new, introduce yourself, the holidays are coming, I'm gonna do some fun stuff for the holidays, stay tuned. There you go, that's it, two emails. So the specifics don't matter as much as doing it and setting the expectation that sales are gonna be coming.
Let's get into phase two, the email part. Any questions so far, by the way? How did the analogy go over? I don't know if it worked or if it was just too far out of left field. I actually really like that analogy. I thought it worked. Taylor's making fun of me for my analogies because I use them all the time. But anyway, if you guys have questions, let me know. Phase two, these are the email parts, right? And we've got a detailed post where we've gone over this and I wanna highlight it for these purposes so let me just show you, I'm gonna pull this up and get to this point, and then I saw a question popped in there, I'll answer that as I get you guys ready for this next phase. Scroll down here.
Okay so Brenda says, "I was emailing my list once a week, but then I tested open to click through rates for once a month and got the same response as once as week, so I switched to once a month. Any feedback?" Yeah no, Brenda, if you're getting the same open rates weekly as you were monthly, then why wouldn't you wanna talk to 'em weekly? You definitely wanna talk to 'em weekly if you can. That would be my feedback on that.
Let's go into the emails, right? So what we just talked about with prime the pump, this is pre-warm up, right? This is really, really early on before we even get into the email parts, so that's number one. But then email number one in the sequence, and this whole thing starts with a sequence of emails, is this is right before you're actually gonna send the offer so that's email number one. Email number two is the offer itself, right? So this is that coupon code and it has the urgency so it expires. Take 20 percent off for the next week, deal expires Friday at midnight, right? Email number three, and again, I'm just introducing these conceptually so don't worry about going and getting into the weeds on 'em just yet. Email number three is the resend unopens. In Mailchimp it's easy to set it up so that you send an email. Mailchimp knows who didn't open that email. It allows you to resend the email to those people that didn't open. So essentially the people that didn't open the email get the email twice. It works, don't worry. And then the final email is the 24 hour warning so if the sale expires Friday at midnight, Thursday afternoon you're gonna say, just wanted to let you know you've got 24 hours 'til the sale expires.
So those are all sort of the pieces, what I would call the formations to stay on the soccer analogy, right? Those are the formations that you need all of your marketing players aligned in. Prime the pump early, the warm up right before the game starts. The offer, that's the meat, that's the game. The resend and then the 24 hour is the winning seconds. What I think is important to remember in this is all of your players need to map towards the stage that you're at. Let me give you an example. So number three is the announcement bar. Do you guys know what I'm saying? This is, I think pretty much all of you have this, this is the little bar that you can use at the top of your website. Well, guess what? That announcement bar at the top of the website needs to be in conjunction with all of the various different stages. Now prime the pump for the announcement bar, it's probably a little early although you could but I would definitely do the warm up, I would definitely do the offer, I would definitely do the 24 hours before closing.
So what would that look like? The warm up would be, hey, thanks for visiting the site, just want to let you know we've got sales coming up next week, check back for more offers, right? Could be something along those lines. Then the day when the actual offer drops, change the announcement bar to reflect the offer. Then when you got 24 hours left to go or even 48 hours left to go, 48 hours left for you to save x, x, x, y, z percent, right? And so there you have an example of the announcement bar, which is just a player on your team, in formation with the emails. So they're completely in conjunction, in cahoots, working at the same time with one another. Okay, great. So now you've got both of those things in conjunction working at the same time. What's next?
Next we have our Facebook post. I'm not talking about ads yet, I'm talking about regular organic face posts, Facebook posts. You should and can be doing multiple posts, all mapping, again, to the formation throughout the entire sale. You can do a post to prime the pump, you can do a post to warm things up, you can do the offer, you can do the 24 hour warning. Now again, these are free. These are just Facebook posts. They're not the ads. These need to be done. For everybody that doesn't have the temperature to, or doesn't have the temerity to go and start running ads, that's fine. You gotta start with the Facebook posts though, and they've got to map to the whole schedule, okay? So again, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, right? You sit there and you look at that and it's like, look, everybody's in this formation. The email, the announcement bar, the Facebook ads. What's the next guy that gets in formation, right?
So you've got your Facebook posts. Now we're talking about our Instagram posts. Guess what? They're gonna do the exact same thing. They're going to map to the stages, get in formation, same messaging for each one of the things each along the way. And you know the great thing with Instagram too and again, this is like, why the whole game has changed, now on Instagram I want you to get your players in formation for both regular organic Instagram posts and Instagram stories. You've gotta be running both of these in conjunction to where your marketing message is, right? Again, map to the stages of the game. You know, I'm gonna be relentless on this and just never stop. So then we get into Facebook ads, right? Now, again, I can't begin to tell you guys if there was one technique and just one technique I could advise everybody would do, it would be to email their list and then run Facebook ads at the same time they're emailing to the list, right? So, again it just becomes so much more powerful when you're able to do the Facebook ads same time as the email.
Also the Instagram ads the same time as the email, right? Each stage of the game. And again, I don't want this to be overwhelming, like, so Patrick are you telling me that I need a Facebook ad for prime the pump, a Facebook ad for warm up, a Facebook ad for the offer, a Facebook ad for the resend, a Facebook ad for the 24 hour warning. Potentially, different pieces of creative for each one of those. One, two, three, four, five, six ads, six ad groups, that sounds overwhelming. It doesn't need to be to start. What I find every time I get into one of these things is at first, it is overwhelming, it is a pain in the butt. Fine, you know what you do? Get one ad in. What I would do is I would get one ad in for the offer, that's where I would start. Just start with one ad for the offer if that's all you can do. Send the offer and let's just say you're gonna run the offer for a week. You run the Facebook ad for a week, right? You don't over complicate it, that will be just fine. What you find is, after you've done that once, which is why everybody just needs to execute that. When you've done that once, you're like, oh that took me like, 20 minutes worth of work and it wasn't that difficult. I only spent five dollars a day, times five, 25 dollars for that and I got way better results. Now that I've done that once, I can do that twice, three times and four times. In fact, I can also get a different ad for the Instagram feed and I can even get an Instagram story out in there, especially because I'm 41 days out or whatever it is until this happens. I've got plenty of time to start getting these creative assets in line.
So don't be intimidated or overwhelmed by it. Once you get the swing of this, I'm telling you guys, it's quick. It's snappy. You could totally do it without a whole heck of a lot of stress. But again, that is the power of this entire thing is understanding the stages, the formations and then understanding how to get everybody on the same page and working together at the same time. I think as we talk about our job, our storefronts going forward, it's to continue ad additional players to your team you can use, teach you how to use those players in the various different formations. These things will change often. Some players are gonna retire, some new players are gonna join your team. What won't ever change, though, I'm telling you, will never change is the game itself. It's been this way forever. I'm reminded of this quote which I really like, which are, "Principles are many, morals are few. Principles change often, morals never do." Right? And so the principles are gonna change like it might go from Instagram to Alexa Voice skills or Google Home updates or virtual reality. I don't know what it's gonna be. Those are principles. We'll find out before anyone else does and we're gonna teach you. What will never change, though, is that fact that at the end of the year, and on various other holidays, more art is moved than any other time and you gotta be prepared for it and you gotta get after it. For instance, we didn't have Instagram stories last year. That's actually gonna feature a big part in what we have going forward.
Allow me to incorporate a little voice. "Hey Google, how many days 'til Thanksgiving?"
[Google Assistant] "Thanksgiving will be in 41 days."
So remember these. We've got 41 days, 42, 45, 73, 80. How successful you're gonna be is how quickly you can get going and start getting your ducks in a row, checkin' off the things on the list, getting better at wherever you are in this journey of running this Playbook. So we wanna get our players together and get the formations in place. Now we have some great content already. Case in point, this Valentine's Day one is super mega in depth. Our job is to get this together and make it as cohesive and combine it, make it as easy to digest as possible. We need to do us, as our storefront, update the new players and formations. There are tactics to be running on Instagram, there are tactics to be running on Facebook, ways to handle the email, put together the newest subject lines, so we've gotta do all of that for you. We're gonna be doing all of that for you. We're going to be getting all of it on the Art Marketing Calendar and we're going to be encouraging you guys to execute on this as much as you can and the great news is is there's multiple holidays coming up on the books when you can run this thing and what you're gonna find is if you hit every single solitary one of 'em, by the time New Year's is around, you're like, oh I have got this, this is no problem.
So we're gonna continue to do that, we're gonna get everything ready to go for you and I think no matter where you are, you just need to execute on this as much as you can and get better. It really does take practice to get good at this and we've got some good news for you there. Small wins, your group guys and you know, we're here to help. Get in the group, ask your questions. We're gonna be all over them from now until the end of the year, I mean all over them. What are the parts you need the most in-depth tutorials on? What don't you understand? What's not clear? You tried this and it didn't work. Hammer us in here, you guys, from now 'til the end of the year. Hammer us. We're here to answer every single solitary question we can and make this as easy as possible for you guys to get everything going and everything in place and I think, yeah. We're gonna end up making this the greatest holiday season ever and I really do think as we continue to build out this Playbook, there's just gonna be some amazing stuff and I'm not aware of anybody that's teaching like this that's gonna teach you these various different formations with all of these various different marketing pieces. And let me tell you, it just works. It just works when you do it.
Attention in our lives today is so fragmented and is so difficult to get in front of your buyers and your prospects that if you're not hammerin' 'em with every single solitary player on the field, you just don't stand a chance. There's just too much, there's too many distractions. So it's when you get these guys all working together that you're gonna be scoring the goals, that you're gonna be making the sales. So that's what I got. To follow is going to be more in depth what we have, but we've already got, like I said, some really good stuff that you can brush up on and Taylor will put a bunch of these posts in the show notes but we've got, this one especially, the Valentine's Day email marketing guide. If you've been to this presentation and you're like, I immediately need a follow up on this, get into this, right? We have almost all of it mapped out for you. Subject lines, ideas for discounts, what you could potentially use as the coupon codes. So the key, the key, the key is just gonna be doing your homework, doing your research. We'll keep you focused. You don't have to go search things on Google. We've got everything that you need to run this and even if you run this and just do a lousy job at it, it's still gonna be effective because overall, the strategy is just that effective.
Alright, so that gets us into Q&A. I was ranting there so any questions that you might have, feel free to fire 'em off. Oh yeah, and Taylor too should tell 'em you've got a search bar that's right here on-- Right there and then there's also one in the footer. So feel free to use that, you know. Email marketing, and it's got like, little auto completion so that helps. We all use that internally when we need to find the articles, so obviously you can search our Marketing Calendar, Valentine's Day guide, that kinda stuff. I find that to be really helpful. But that gets us to Q&A. I hope that's mostly clear but essentially we're gonna be just droppin' as much great content as we can from now 'til then. We're gonna start fillin' in dates, we'll start harassin' you about dates, about when you should send your first email. Everything that you need to be doing to get this going on.
Joanna, you're saying is there an actual book, or were you referring to the blog? We'll put it in a number of different places. We're probably gonna build a landing page that's on the Office Hour site kinda like we did with the Instagram page but either way, you're gonna get blitzed from every angle that we have. We'll blitz ya in here, we'll email you guys, we'll continue to do the Office Hours presentations. They'll be videos here inside the Facebook group so you know, it's gonna be all over the place. And again, it's just one of those things that seems like a lot, it seems like it's really complicated, it seems really difficult to wrap your head around it and I get that. Trust me, I get that. But every time you learn something like this, it's just one of those things you're like, oh there's no way, I'm gonna need 16 employees to do this and then you just do it and you're like, oh wait a minute, that was actually pretty easy. Oh, wait a minute, I've done this six times now. It's a year and a half later and you're onto so many different, advanced things then. It's crazy. Really, stay encouraged and just work the process. It really will help out.
Okay, Katie Fitzgerald asked, "When we promote Black Friday and Cyber Monday, what is a good amount of time for scarcity on the discount promotion? Just for that day? What about the rest of the holiday shopping season? Should we offer a different teaser promotion?" Yeah, so, this is sort of the mattress question, right? And what's the mattress question? I'm embarrassed to say I used to own a mattress warehouse like 10 years ago. Terrible business. It was actually fun, it was interesting. I learned some stuff. But the mattress question is like, what's the best mattress for me? I don't know what's the best mattress for you, or in this case, like what's the best mattress for my audience that's gonna lead to the most sales? I don't know because some people like a firm mattress, some people like a hard mattress, some people like 'em in between. You never really know until you test and you get out there so there's some general best practices that we can give you to follow, but you do have to kinda iterate on them yourselves. I think in the case of what is the best time for scarcity on the discount, I like things that dovetail naturally. I like 'em all, to be honest with you. I like a flash sale now and again. I like a 24 hour special. I like a 48 hour special. I think both of those can be effective. When you're getting close to the holidays, I like keeping it running for a week because in that week you've got five different days that you can hammer 'em with all the different players on the field, with all the different pieces of marketing. Really just heffer 'em, and then it expires on Friday, so a week is good. I think once you start extending it out past then, in my experience, like two weeks, then everybody just procrastinates 'til the very end so sometimes that usually doesn't work as well, in my opinion. But again, it might work well for some people. So you really just have to experiment. We've got a number of different discounts in the blog posts that we put together on this. We've got a number of different subject lines that you can potentially use on some emails and that'll be a bunch of the stuff that we're gonna continue to put together as we go forward so all of that will be there for you guys. But that's what I've got so far in terms of questions that have been submitted ahead of time, so if you guys have any other questions, feel free to hammer 'em into the Facebook comments and we'll do 'em. But I'm really, really encouraged that this is gonna be the best season that we've had in terms of sales for you guys because we saw how well this worked in Q4 last year. Everybody that really hammered it really saw some great results so we really hope that you guys will get after it.
But let me know, let me know if there's any other questions. Otherwise have a great weekend. Be thinkin' about the holidays, about how you wanna hit it and just be encouraged that you need to do it. I don't care if your email list only has five people on it. It's still worth it, even if you're only gonna be emailing five people because you gotta get the experience of it and it's just about getting better at this stuff every day. It's part in parcel fundamental of being a successful artist who owns their own art gallery online, you have to be able to sell like this and we're gonna give you all the tools and I'm telling you, it works 100 percent of the time it's tried. It really just does.
Okay, on that note, I think that's done. I'll hang around for just another second if anybody wants to fire any last minute questions. Otherwise, this video will be available pretty much instantaneously, right away. Right away, as soon as I think it's available even right now in the videos tab, like I've showed you. Thanks for saying that, Johnny.
Heather, "I'm gonna be launching my site soon hopefully. Do you have resources on how to announce it to my list?" The short answer is email 'em and tell 'em, don't overthink it, get that thing live as quick as possible. How do we go back and watch this broadcast from the beginning?
Yes, so Jaime, I thought I showed this, you maybe weren't on already, but the key here is that as you come into the group, what you can do is just come to the videos tab, because what ends up happening is everything just gets lost here in the shuffle and you can see the videos right here. So here it is from start to finish, you can watch it any which way you like it and then in addition to that we also will always get it, and this is probably gonna be a little bit buggy to show on Facebook live so there it is from start, from start to finish or whatever. But also too, we'll end up getting it up on the Office Hour site a little bit after the fact, but yeah it's available on Facebook Live literally the minute it starts broadcasting so you can come back at any point in time.
Raymond, I see, what is the Facebook format for uploading? Yeah, I can tackle that one right now. Hold on, I'll show you. So you guys can come back to this slide and here is everything that Facebook will take. So it'll take email, phone number, mobile, you don't-- I'm just gonna do this because I already know which ones you guys don't need to worry about. Alright so you don't worry about this, you don't worry about this, you don't worry about this. You guys might potentially have-- Those are all the things so you just create a spreadsheet, you put columns for all of these guys and name 'em exactly these things. Populate the information, if it's, if you have to do this by hand, I'm sorry. Get a couple of cold beers, sit down the weekend and hammer it out. Create that sheet, you save it as a CSV in the spreed sheet or you can do it in Google Sheets and then you upload the file to them and they'll do the rest. So that's literally the format and this image I guess will just be in here so you can, it's early on the show, you can get right to it.
Okay, what else do we have? I wanna make sure I didn't miss anything. Thanks for the kind words, you guys. Appreciate that. Awesome, thanks, good. I think that is it. Thanks Reuben, thanks Mariah, thanks Jaime. Alright, I think that's it. Again, any other questions you guys have, hammer 'em in here, even after the video's done. We'll come in and find 'em and answer 'em. Let's get marketing. Can't wait for this Q4 to go down. Okay, have a great weekend everybody. I really appreciate you spending your Friday with us.