Welcome, guys, officially, office hours for February 10th, 2017. The live webinar is starting now, as we can see our hilarious guys from The Office dancing around here. Let's go over the webinar outline. So, we're gonna get into announcements first, I wanna cover something that I call the foundation, very important, then we're gonna get into lead capture, and we're gonna finish up with Q&A, and there's a bunch of it, so I think we're gonna spend quite a bit of time in there, and I hope that'll be valuable.
As I said earlier, for those of you that are just joining and getting on now, if you do have questions, go ahead and fire them off throughout the course of this thing, we do get them, we do look at them, sometimes they stop things and answer them, and sometimes we'll just save them 'til the end, but, you know. It can be about anything, art marketing related, fire them in if needs be. So let's get into the announcements first, what's going on and what's going down. So, let me insult your emails, are you scared?
I don't know if you guys saw this, I believe we sent an email out some day this week, but, last week on the webinar, you know we've done some of this on the blog as well. We've been grabbing emails and, or grabbing various different aspects of your marketing, whether it's your website or it's your emails, or your copywriting, or potentially even Facebook ads, and breaking them down in, like, a live video tutorial. Kinda going through what we think you did right, what you did wrong, what could potentially be improved, and then just giving you our two cents, and we did one last week in the webinar, which is what this slide is. It was a Dan Greenburg email and I'll include the link to, and the show notes for this, you'll get an email after it's over with a link to this so you can watch it and see what we mean.
But what we'd really encourage you to do is go ahead and put this email address on your email list. It's just email@artstorefronts.com, and we literally, we wanna see 100% of the email that you send, absolutely everything. So put us on your list, no judging, I promised #fingerscrossed, um, there'll be plenty of judging, but I promise we'll be nice. Pro tip, don't need to overthink how easy this is to do, go to your site, go to your lead capture box, paste it in there, why does he have yes I'm human on this, and click submit. Now, boom, I'm on the list. So, we'll get email that'll come into that box, and then we'll just periodically take the time to break them down, which will be really fun.
Okay, announcement number two, we officially launched our Art Marketing Podcast, we're really fired up about this, we've got some just incredible content coming in this, coming down the pike here. We've got a couple of different ways that you could subscribe, but we'd really encourage you to do that. I believe we sent an email out this last week, I think we just got into episode zero, as it were, just kind of introducing the mission and vision for the podcast. And we've got this site set up, you can come on here, click the subscribe button, if you wanna do it via iTunes, which I think most people would do, you can do that, via email, or you can do RSS, assuming you're on Android, or one of the other phones, and we might get some more subscribe deals in there, but really fired up about this, really have some solid guests and just some solid stuff to cover as we kind of figure out the direction, but, we think it'll be another great way to learn.
Okay, so good on that announcement. So, let's pivot now to the foundation, and, you know, the way I like to make this argument is like, let's get into the pillars, right? And, why? You know, you thought, why are we often talking about the foundation, the pillars, you thought this was gonna be a webinar about lead capture, right? And, see Victoria, I told you you were coming up, because Victoria Primicias, that's why. Okay, so who is Victoria, and what did she say? She's from http://www.arte-cera.com, I read about advertising, Facebook advertising on the ASF Forum, tried it for a week, pulled my ads because I felt like I was throwing my money away, and you probably were, unfortunately, I know that's a huge gap in my knowledge, and I wanna learn more.
We have been just getting bombarded with questions about how to advertise on Facebook, wanna answer them, we are, we are just, you know, as an aside, not to toot our own horn. We are incredibly experienced at Art Storefronts at Facebook ads. We spend a ridiculous amount of money on a daily basis on Facebook and we've got some specialists that we employ to do it, as well as we have some in-house experts. So, we're really, really fired up to get into this, and that's where the problem comes in. I can't answer those Facebook questions, and I can't give you Facebook tutorials on how to, how to do better advertising until we get the foundation set, right, and so, you know, if you've been on previous webinars, I've gone over aspects of this, but I'm gonna continue banging it like a drum, because it's so critical.
So, let's talk about the foundation, what it is, what's in it, why you need to care about it, and set the table, so to speak, so this is me setting the table. Number one, if you're gonna be successful at selling art online, you need home base, you need a website you own. Thankfully, you guys are all ASF customers, that part's sorted, we're good to go.
Number two, which is a good portion of this webinar today, everybody needs to be growing their email list always. This is quotidian, regular work, you don't stop doing it, you're always working on growing on your email list, right? Okay, next one, everybody needs to be emailing that list, right? You need to be emailing that list on a regular basis, and what do we talk about in terms of emailing, we talk about romance emails most of the time, discount emails occasionally, on holidays or when you're gonna have a special sale.
The next leg of the pillar, block of the pillar, if you will, of the foundation is everybody needs to be driving traffic to that site, right? Facebook fits in there, everybody needs to be driving traffic to your website. So, you, you know, there's certain parts of each pillar, of course, right, and I'll get into that in a second, but, if you've got the pillars covered, it's really just about pressure over time, and staying the course. Being successful at selling art online is not a sprint, it is a marathon, and you've gotta have the basics. You have to have a site you own. You have to be growing your email list always, you need to be emailing it, and you need to be driving traffic to the site, right?
Now, these are all pillars, each of these pillars has their own particulars, and when we say you need to be growing your email list, there's a bunch of particulars about that one, that we need to get into and we need to discuss. So, that's kind of where I wanna pivot to. Unfortunately, Victoria and others, Facebook ads without the foundation properly set up, in my experience, is unfortunately, it's like leading lambs to the slaughter. You're just gonna get killed. There's a bunch of things that you have to take care of ahead of time, and so our goal is to address these things, and not everybody's going to attend the webinars, but what we can say is, like, hey, if you want to get into Facebook advertising, and you wanna take it seriously, per all of my webinars, there's a right way and a wrong way, and the way we do things, the way we do things we believe is extremely successful, but you can't get into it unless you have the foundational elements set up, otherwise, you're just not gonna make it.
So, that's what we want to get into the basics of today, and then we'll go and we'll do the QA. But, yes, the Facebook stuff is covered, we're gonna answer all the Facebook advertising questions at the end of this, so we're gonna get into it, don't worry. Okay. So, let's talk about lead capture, the basics, let's talk about how epic this net throwing leg kick this guy's throwing out too, alright, so lead capture poll, Taylor, you're gonna fire off that poll, we're kinda playing around with our webinar software, I guess we can poll you, there's a way we can poll you, about whether or not you're running lead capture.
Let's talk about lead capture, and let's talk about where you're at in your journey. Are you just getting started? Like, you know, you haven't even addressed lead capture in the slightest? You have some work to do, right? Let's say you don't have a list, you don't even have an email list, you've never taken it seriously, you just signed up for the platform, what do you do, woe is me. Email lists, folks, are built one email at a time, doesn't matter what size you are, doesn't matter where you start. Start with the basics. You know, this is just some quick tips. Starts with the basics, you can put some family and friends on the list, you know, these are the people that will share your work and help you grow your email list.
To the extent that you're an artist that's been selling, this is an obvious one, but it bears mentioning, everything you have ever sold ever, go back through your email, comb through it, if you've ever sold a piece or anyone's ever been interested in a piece, grab those emails out of your email software, whatever it might be, and put those on your email list. Any other email addresses you have where you might have been discussing art going back and forth with anybody, an agent, a dealer, a gallery, a sponsorship, whatever, throw those emails on your list, you gotta get creative, and you have to start somewhere, right? So, those are just some general tips if you're just getting started.
Let's talk about online versus offline lead capture, right, they're different venues, but they have the exact same goal. I mean, quite literally, the exact same goal. Offline is absolutely critical, and it's important that you guys don't ignore this channel, right? How are some ways that this manifests itself? Are you having an art show? Put out the fishbowl for business cards. It doesn't necessarily have to be a fishbowl for business cards, like we say below, it could be an iPad, anything. If you're hanging your art somewhere, whether this is in a doctor's office, the local Starbucks, or whatever, put your website in there, and put incentive for people to sign up for your email.
If you're at a festival, an art fair, whatever, whatever it is where you're displaying your work, you need to be gathering business cards, and I think, I think we have, or email addresses, business cards, email addresses, whatever, I think we have, it's all about the email address, I think we have some posts on ideas for art fairs, on how to gather email lists and potential contests you could run, such as, you know, enter your business card and or email address for 10% off a future print, or 20% off a future print.
So, I think we have a post on that, if we do, I know we have something on that, so I'll find that and I'll put that in the show notes. And then I know, also, that we have a blog post for sure, and Taylor, please sign this and put in the show notes, that we'll show you how to use an iPad in conjunction with the lead capture software that you have on your site. If you wanna go that route, so you're at an art fair, or a gallery, or, you know, whatever it may be, you can set that out so people can put their emails in digitally, sometimes that works, because not everybody has a business card. But sometimes the good old-fashioned clipboard is an awesome way to do it, but the point in all of it is do not ignore offline.
We talk to so many different artists that are selling, and they're like, oh, I'm doing art fairs all the time, I've been doing them for 10 years. You been doing art fairs for 10 years? Yeah, yeah, love them, I do great. How many email addresses do you have from those 10 years of art fairs? Oh, I've got six. You've been doing art fairs for 10 years, and you have six email addresses? What in the wide, wide world of sports is going on here? So, this may seem a simple thing to say, but, it's not. Offline is critical. I don't care if those email addresses are written on receipts that you have up in the attic or back in the shed, get into that box, dig it out, and get those email addresses.
You know, very small email lists can have big, big impacts. So, next we're gonna pivot into the online, let's basically go over the basics, right. So, online lead capture as it pertains to your current art storefront setup, and where it is. And this is really simple, it's really just two things. You wanna have a homepage capture going on, and you wanna have a blog capture going on, if you're using the blog feature. That's what the homepage capture looks like. It's gonna pop on absolutely everybody, unless you have their email address, in which case, if you have your email address, this won't show, which is a great thing about using Art Storefront's tool.
So, if you guys are not running this, you need to be running it, and we have internal posts that I know that the customer service team have set up. It's in the success plan, it's internal, they can show you how to set this up. It's really, really simple, and you need to be popping this for everybody, and once you get it set up, it's a set it and forget it, you go to drive traffic to your site, and you're at least harvesting emails, so that's number one. Number two, is if you are using the blogging feature, we have a very easy way for you to throw one of the, the lead capture boxes right in your sidebar, and I think I can show you.
I know Mike here, just give you a better view of what this looks like. So there it is, you know, so as people are scrolling through a post, it's always gonna be there, and it gives them the opportunity to sign up and opt in, right? So, it seems really simple, right? There's two simple, easy ways to go about it, but these are two things that's literally critical that you're running on your site 24/7 without question. And as you're doing this and as you're going forward, you will periodically get opt ins, and the emails will come in, you'll be growing your list, and it seems so simple, right, and yet, I see a lot of sites where people are not doing it.
Now, if you are on one of the lower end plans and you don't have the lead capture software, I mean, I know, and I think we have a question that deals with this later.You can get this done on the cheap with MailChimp by throwing the MailChimp code on, it's not gonna be anywhere near as effective, but it's one of those situations where the worst thing you can do is not have anything going on. The next thing you can do is have some sort of band-aided solution, and the best thing you can do is you have the lead capture 'cause it's gonna work best with your system.
So, pretty simple, those two, you know, the impact it will have by actually having these on here and actually capturing emails is quite significant, especially this one, and we find the opt in percentage to be extremely high on this. And we see a high level of success with the people that are actually using this to gather emails, and then actually following the email protocol, and then the pressure over time though is so killer there, it's just pressure over time. You get these things set up, and then you go about your regular marketing activities, and it's gonna put you in just a phenomenal, phenomenal place.
So, let's get the basics going, and you're well on your way. There is gonna be more to come on this, we are testing some stuff right now, to some, some new iterations of lead capture boxes, and I think that'll be, we'll certainly be rolling some of those out. So, we're doing everything that we can, but, you know, don't pooh-pooh these two, they work, they really just work. And again, small lists can have big impacts.
So, you gotta just stay encouraged, and continue growing it. If you've got 10 people on the list, get to 20 or 30. You know, if you've got 50, shoot for 100, just, you continue growing it, and you don't worry about it. You know, as a teaser to the podcast, and I'm not sure if Kenny's on this webinar, but, we interviewed an artist for one of the podcast episodes. And her list, she's been an artist for like 10 years, and selling for a long time, and her list only had 400 people on it, and one email, one email led to, I think, $7,000 worth of sales during her holiday promotions, one email.
So, you just don't know how critical these things can be, so, just, I wanna encourage you guys to get going, get the lead capture started, the basics, focus on the offline, and continue growing the list, it's critical. And, also, you gotta remember how art really sells, and this is part and parcel of the how do I get better at Facebook ads is, online and otherwise, and I talked about the romance email basics, so I talked about, in the previous webinar. If you didn't get a chance to watch that, it'd be on that, I went into one of my rants about how most people think art sells on line versus how it really sells online, and there's a really good deck in there that goes through that entire concept. So I really want you guys to see that, but, just to paraphrase, art does not sell, I see your ad on Facebook that says 50% off, I come to your site and I buy it. That's not how it works most of the time, every once in a while you might get lucky with that, but, it's just not a sustainable practice, it's just not.
How it normally sells, is, I come to your website, or I see an ad on Facebook, or somebody tweets about you, or I come to a gallery show, next thing you know, I get on your email list. Next thing you know, I might be following you for six months, a year, a year and a half, looking at your romance emails, knowing every once in awhile I get a discount email. I might not do anything in that year and a half period of time. But you know what happens? I just, after a year and half of being on your list, of getting to you know, of seeing your emails, of knowing when you discount, knowing when you don't, seeing more emails, seeing Facebook posts potentially? Then I move homes, and I have a bunch of empty wall space.
Well, guess what happens then? I go and buy art, and, you know, that concept is so profound in and of itself, and I think it's one of the big fallacies of why people think I can just get onto Facebook and advertise, and I'm gonna make a bunch of sales going 50% off. No one's getting away with that, no one's doing that. You might see it, and a lot people are making Mark Zuckerberg rich running those ads, but very, very, very few people are successful at doing it. So, you know, when we talk about some of the strategies and tactics that we use on Facebook to sell and to be successful. You know, it takes a complete realignment of expectations of what it takes to be successful, so, more on that is coming, I promise. I might even try to get into it in the next webinar.
So, next, we're gonna jump into the Q&A. Okay, one, I'll deal with some of the ones that came in quickly, Raymond asks, “is it true Google will soon begin to penalize websites using pop-ups to capture information?” Yeah, it is true, it's coming down the pike, I think the sites that they're after are really the nefarious ones. They're not after ones that are doing it in a decent and respectable fashion. So, you don't have anything to worry about, if we find out that it's a big deal, we'll know it way before you will, and we'll tell absolutely everybody, and let you know it's not the way to roll.
Question, “is it possible to sign our photos with a watermark within ASF?” I don't know about that one. Chris, maybe you can get an answer to that one, and come, but I don't know about watermarking within our storefronts. Kat Miller, no your screen is not supposed to be black, something's going wrong. And what are acoustic panels and how to use them, Robert, I'm not sure what that question is, you're gonna need to fill me in on that. But let's keep moving on the questions.
Okay, so Ron Hallam of http://www.gitaphotos.com, “some people only opt in with their email address, no name, what is the best way to manage this type of lead in the contact manager?” Yeah, this is a great question, and this has been a philosophical one forever, and, you know, just to go back to the case of Mike's site, what he means here is, you see there's just the email field here? And then subscribe? So, now your database is filling up with a bunch of people that you don't know their first name, and you can't email them the first name, right? So, that's kind of the situation, and when I say this has been a debate forever. You know, all the intelligence studies, or most of them, would say that the more fields that you add to an email capture box, i.e., email is a field.
So let's just say you have first name on here and email, the conventional wisdom is that if you add to, you're gonna decrease your opt in rate. You know, yes, that's mostly true, it's a little bit of Coke versus Pepsi argument, I've seen compelling evidence arguing either way. So, let me tell you what I would do in this situation. I prefer to capture just the email address, because you guys are most likely small with your email list, i.e. you're not getting 25 of them a day.
Here's how I would handle it. I would look and see when that email came in, I would grab that email address, I would put it in whatever you use for your work email, I would email them a personal note and say, thanks so much for joining my list, can I ask, which, I'd love to personalize your experience here at, gitaphoto, geeta, geeta? I don't know. I'd love to personalize your experience here at http://www.gitaphotos.com. Could I have your first name so we could use that, when you're emailing, and start a conversation? You know, if you're getting two or three of those a week, or 10 of those a week, that's totally manageable. That's totally manageable. If you're getting 100 a week, not so manageable, not so manageable.
But, there's other ways you can deal with it too, you can, you can get into an autoresponder sequence, which I think is another topic for another webinar, is autoresponder sequences. In fact, Taylor did that last poll, did that last one work, out of curiosity? If it did, I want you to get another one, and ask the group how many people actually have an autoresponder running now. And don't feel bad if you don't have an autoresponder running now. It's, you know, it's definitely, it's not elementary grade marketing to have an autoresponder. You certainly have to be a little bit more advanced. So, Taylor, ask that poll if you can, how many have an autoresponder. Okay, Ron, hope that answers.
Joe, “what is the best way to set up email capture on a landing page?” Joe, the easiest way is if you have the ASF lead capture tool, and then we have in-depth documentation. If you don't have the lead capture tool and you are using MailChimp and you wanna go that way for the time being. What happens is MailChimp gives you some form code, and what I would do is, 'cause I can sense your technical acumen. I would go into MailChimp, I would create a form, I would get that code, and I would ping customer service, and have them show you where to put it, 'cause it's kinda sorta a little bit technical to insert it. But you just paste it in as code, and that's how it works. I hope that kinda sorta does it.
Okay. Alright, so, Victoria Primicias, I hope that's how I say it, right? Yeah, there is a gap in your knowledge, I definitely want to teach you more. There is absolutely a plan to roll it out, but there is a critical step one that I want everybody to take right away, even ahead of doing Facebook advertising. And it's something that I recommend everyone do, even if they're contemplating Facebook advertising six months from now or maybe a year from now, or you're just getting your feet wet. So let me continue rolling through the questions, and I'll get into that.
Raymond, okay, so. “One school of thought is that Facebook pixels need to be on every page of the site, is that true?” Yeah, it's not one school of thought, it's the only school of thought. It's called the correct school of thought. Tracking conversions using Facebook pixels is a bit confusing, I've been doing this for 10 years, and it's confusing for me still, so, absolutely that is correct.
“Can you explain how to set up the pixel correctly so that Facebook tracks the correct conversion information?” This question is the equivalent of a softball thrown up at me at like, sub-one mile an hour, I hit this out of the park so hard. One of the things that I love, first of all, I love advertising on Facebook, and, again, been doing it for 10 years. Two, it's insanely complicated, to reiterate again, and three, because art storefronts is so awesome, and I can go and get something programmed in a period of two minutes. I had them completely retool this entire thing just for me, and it's ridiculously easy.
So, I'm gonna show this to you quickly, just to brag and stroke my own ego because I'm so pleased with myself, but we have a really in-depth video that walks you through every single solitary step of this from start to finish. Taylor, make sure that post gets in the show notes, unless I'm wrong. I'm pretty sure it's actually in the success plan as well, but let me just explain, philosophically what happens. So, here we are, info and settings at the site, and, actually, my friend Mike Taylor put all those here, info and settings, scripts, we have site wide. You get the Facebook pixel from Facebook. You copy it in here, boom, done.
Key conversion events, and this is what I had them code up specifically for me. So, the way that key conversion events work, and the ones that we're recommending that you track for Art Storefronts in your e-commerce site is, purchase, which you can see, probably can't see, I don't know if this is gonna work. Did it zoom it? So these are the conversions that we recommend you track. Purchase, let me get out of that. Purchase, lead, add to cart, right? So, once you post in your site wide conversion pixel, you come in here, and I think I've even, yeah, god, I love this.
So look what I had Art Storefronts do. These are the three that I want you to track, I have it so you just go to these three tool tips here, copy, paste, copy, paste, copy, paste, save, and you're done. It is literally, I think, the single solitary fastest, fastest, no joke fastest way that you could possibly add any e-commerce software on the planet to get those three conversions in, so. As soon as this webinar is over at some point in time today, you're going to get the show notes email, 'cause you guys all attended, and I appreciate you for that, in there will be an in-depth link to the video that walks you through this step by step. But this is something that absolutely everybody should do.
Now, as a precursor, you have to have a Facebook ads account, you have to set that up, it doesn't cost any money to set up, mind you, costs nothing to set up, but you do have to put a credit card in there. Get the account set up so you can get the pixel, but no matter if you're, let's say you're Patty, just getting started, and your website's barely up, or if you're all the way to Raymond, you're contemplating it, or, you know, you're Victoria, you've already been through your first swatch of Facebook advertising, you need to get the pixel in there, immediately.
It is like a day one activity, because what it does, without getting into the technical aspects of it, is it's a piece of code that sits on your site and listens, and anybody that comes to your site, it gathers and puts into a specific audience that you can show ads. That's called re-marketing, that is where all Facebook advertising should start, we'll get into that in depth, but you're not in the game without the pixel, and, you know, the pixel, too, is kind of like filling a swimming pool with a hose. It's gonna take a long time to fill that thing up, so when do you wanna do it?
You better get going on it, you better get going on it right away, right? So, it's a critical thing that you need to do, you watch the video, it will take literally two seconds to go through it and do it, I have made it so easy, and I'm telling you, there is no one out there that has it set up this easy, where you literally just copy the tool tips. So, all you gotta do, all you gotta do is get the script from Facebook, copy and paste it in here, then come in, copy this, paste it, copy this, paste it, copy this, paste it, and you're done. All three are done, they're tracking, and they're gathering data and waiting, just waiting for you to go ahead and use them, which is great.
Jim Kanter, “how useful would it be to have videos of works in progress available?” Insanely useful. Absolutely do this, 100% do this, and I think for those that are listening, what does Jim mean? He's an artist of some kind, and his works take time, he could take a video of it in progress, and he could use that as romance email content, he could use that as Facebook content, he could use that as Instagram content, yes, yes 1000%, yes, huge. How about videos with the artist explaining how to look at and appreciate a particular piece, especially abstracts, yes, 100%, but just remember, if it's gonna be romance comment, keep the buy now's out of it, but yes, I love where your head's at, absolutely do it, 100%, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
Rod Pickett from the ASF forum, “I have four categories of landscape art on my site. What should I do with the few landscapes I have that don't fit into any of those four categories? And what about introducing other images that aren't landscapes, would that confuse buyers, should I just stick to landscapes?” Man, this question is so hard. It's really, really hard. It almost sounds like you're a painter with the landscapes or maybe you're a photographer, this is like the big, you know, ever present photography question, right? And, I went through this with my buddy Mike, and if you've seen his site, like, I'll just go to it real quick because it'll help me explain it. Pretty clear what he does, right? He does night spectral photography, long exposure, exposure blending photography.
So when he was putting this site together, he also had this section called, like, Americana, which was all shot during the day, and it was like farmhouses, and like, I don't know, funky Americana stuff like roadside diners and gas stations, and like, cool Americana stuff I guess, I guess would be the right way to say it. And as I talked it through with him, I was like, yeah, I just, I don't think you wanna put that stuff on your site, I just don't, I know you like shooting that stuff, and I know that you like doing it, but you have a niche here. You're dominant at this niche, you are really, really good, and by the way, if you haven't seen this guy's work, we should put him in the show notes, guy's got like 240,000 likes on Facebook to his Facebook page.
I mean it's ridiculous, his images go viral all the time. It's crazy, so worth checking out, really, really cool stuff, but to get back to your question. There just isn't a right answer here, it really, really is tough, I think if you, you kinda just have to use your gut, I mean, here's how I would approach it, I'm not telling you to do this, I'm not telling you not to do this, here's what I would do, you can use it as a proxy. I don't know if you're an artist or a photographer, I'm just gonna say a photographer. If you're a photographer, and you shoot some really, really, really good stuff, and it's in a couple of different venues and genres, but the images are just out of this world cool, absolutely I'm gonna put all those on there because the thing that I care about more than anything else is the level of quality that I'm putting out.
That would be my two cents, I would do that. But, but, you know, if you've got all pictures of surfing, all pictures of surfing, and then you have two galleries of portraits, that just makes you look hokey, in my opinion. Unless they're surf portraits. It just makes you look hokey. So, it's just, this is just a really, really hard one, and I honestly, I don't think there's a right answer. I mean, even me talking it out, I just don't think there's a right answer to it. It's, it's really, really hard.
But if you're mega-focused on a niche, I wouldn't do it, if you're not mega-focused on a niche, you're just kinda finding your way, you're getting started, throw it all in there and see what you get a bite on. I think that's totally okay. So, I think, yeah, I think that's how I'd approach it, but this is a discussion that is just gonna continue to go on and on and on, and it's really, really tough. I think once you know, you know, and I hope that helps. Rod, that's just a tough one, man, it really is.
Alright, Teena Stewart from the ASF forum, “I already have social media icons added to the bottom of my ASF website, but other Facebook marketing advice I have read talks about adding a Facebook like button. Would that be intrusive, too intrusive? If I add the script to my site, how do I control where it ends up?” This one depends, you know, this is one of those ones where the right answer as me as a marketer would say you have to test and you have to see, and so, where does that go, okay, how do I test and how do I see? You go ahead and look in your conversion manager, you look at your conversion rate and you see what it is, you get an average for the last three months, which only works if you've been selling.
So if you have been selling, you now have a conversion rate. Okay, then you go and you put the like button on the site, all over the place, and you see what happens to your conversion rate. The conventional prevailing wisdom would likely say varying what pages you put it on, right, like is it site wide, is it on the product pages, the prevailing wisdom would say, because you're an e-commerce site, you know, you're not like a blog site that's trying to get people to share, share your images, you're an e-commerce site, the last thing that you wanna do is go throwing up a bunch of other things that people can click on, on your product pages where they're about to pull their credit card out. Hmm, let me pull my credit card out.
Teena, I really, really like this piece, oh, I can like this thing on Facebook! Oh, look at these cat pictures on Facebook! Oh, Sarah had a baby, I gotta call her. And there goes your sale, it's gone. So, my advice would be no, don't do it, but if you do wanna do it, you can certainly do it and give it a shot, you can add the script to the site, where it ends up, that's a customer service question, customer support team or whatever, but they can help you out with where to put it, and then where it shows up and everything else. I personally wouldn't do it, because it's the nature of your e-commerce site, on your blog, I would 100% do it. 100% do it on your blog.
Okay. Tom Schoeller, “how do I post images that are on my PC on Instagram?” There's a whole bunch of different hacks and ways to do it, I don't know how others do it, I can tell you how I do it, I have the Dropbox application on both my phone and my computer, I use Dropbox for everything. In Photoshop I'll chop it into squares, I drop it in the Dropbox, I grab them from the Dropbox on my phone, and I post them to Instagram. But you could just as easily email them to yourself, and then open the email on your phone and save it that way, and you'd be good to go, so, there's a whole bunch of different ways to do it.
Questions like these pop up, Thomas, Google, fire up the Google on the internet machine, my friend, that's always the easiest way to find out, but, you now know how I do it. Okay. So, let me, I know we had some other questions pop in, so let me see about addressing those. Patty, you asked, I'm just building my website, what is the first marketing tool that I should implement, follow the success plan, that's what the success plan is there for. Until you get that baby sorted and turned out, no messing around with anything else.
Mark asks, if I use the ASF lead capture tool, does the email feed into MailChimp, et cetera? I know that yes, we do integrate with MailChimp, I can't remember if that happens automatically or if you have to press sync every once in awhile, we can ask customer service, but, yeah, I'm pretty sure it goes automatically, as well.
But yeah, that's pretty much what I've got on this webinar today. Everybody have an absolutely glorious Friday and weekend, and really thank you for stopping by webinar, and Office Hours here.